Dena Hess Named as Managing Director

From the Board of Directors of The Woodward Opera House comes the following announcement:

Beginning in 2024, the boards of Knox Partnership for Arts and Culture and Woodward Development Corporation combined to act as one board under “The Woodward Opera House”.

With this collaberation came the naming of Dena Hess as Managing Director of the entity. Dena will oversee all events both public and private as well as the daily business operations.

Under her direction The Woodward Opera House will maintain tenants, continue operating a comercial kitchen, maintain the historical nature of the building as well as approve and operate all added events within the venues including the main theater. In addition, Kyler Dickey has been hired as the Facility Supervisor and will assist Dena with mechanical oversight as well as event set up and operations.

While the task has been handled for several months, we were made aware that an official announcement had not been made and we needed to do so. As a combined board we plan to move forward with our mission of keeping community at the heart of all operations. Our goal is to provide a safe and professional environment for all of our tenants. We wish to promote their businesses and help in any way possible to offer them a great space in which to operate. Having the added opportunity to utilze the event spaces within The Woodward Opera House building, we hope to give the community and local talent a great place in which to perform. We have several community partners that work with us under Dena’s direction and that has been extremely successful. We are grateful for our tenants, board members and employees that continue to flourish in The Woodward Opera House.


Yours Sincerely,

Larry Grindle